OST logo brand design

We have the great pleasure to work closely together with OST and its in-house developer team for several years now, for all the graphic, web & web app design related work. While designing the logo, and the (KIT, KYC and VIEW) sub brands we've defined the color palette and created many illustrations for the web site. The design of the web site(s) and the GUI of the OST VIEW application is designed in cooperation with the OST in-house development team.

Designed for OST.com GmbH


  • web design
  • illustration
  • logo & branding
OST logo brand design, illustrations & web site design
OST color palette and 3 of the many illustrations we've created
OST color palette and 3 of the many illustrations we've created
OST color palette and 3 of the many illustrations we've created
OST color palette and 3 of the many illustrations we've created
OST Mappy, Happy & Dappy introduction scenery illustration
OST web site and OST VIEW user interface design